Cosmetics and Health

Flower water – how to make it at home

Flower water or hydrolate is a flower product made with steam distillation. Different hydrolates are used in gastronomy or cosmetics, you can also use it just instead of a perfume (although its smell isn’t very intensive). 

You need for home steam distillation:

  • flowers or petals
  • distilled water
  • cooking pot with lid (not a flat lid, it should be higher towards the center where the handle is)
  • heatproof bowl
  • event. also a steam stand or pasta colander

The amount of petals/flowers and water is up to you, less water and more flowers is better and makes the final product more concentrated.

There are two options:

  1. Pour the water in the pot, place the flowers in the water and place the bowl in the center.
  2. Pour the water in the pot, place the colander in it (the water shouldn’t be higher than the lowest holes), place the flowers in the colander and the bowl in the center.

Cover the pot with the lid upside down. Switch on the stove and slowly bring the water to boil. The steam will stay on the lid, move towards the center and drop in the bowl. During the process, place a plastic bag with ice or a bowl with cold water on the lid and change it when the ice melts or the water becomes warm.

When you’re done, use the flower water for the final purpose as soon as possible or store it in a cold place. You can use the flower water for example to make the Rose Clay Face Mask.

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