Cosmetics and Health

Whipped Chocolate Body Butter

I started this mini-series of winter cosmetics with thisĀ Winter Lip Balm and we’ll continue with this luxurious body butter. Beware! It smells and looks simply….delicious. And although the ingredients are edible, I assure you that it smells much better than it tastes;)

I don’t mean to tell you to use this body butter only in winter but it is ideal for winter especially. Why? Most people tend to have drier skin in winter and this butter is greasy enough to fix that yet it absorbs really well.

All the ingredients used are in bio quality.

You will need:

  • 60 g of cocoa butter
  • 60 g of shea butter
  • 50 g of coconut oil
  • 10 g of almond oil
  • bowl for mixing the butters and oils
  • saucepan
  • electric whisk
  • pretty jar for the butter

Place the butters and oils into a bowl, the bowl in a saucepan with a little water and melt everything in a water bath. Then remove from heat, let the mixture cool down and then place it in the fridge. Check it regularly to see when the mixture starts to solidify. When that happens but the mixture is still soft (you can put your finger in it), it’s time to whisk.

Start whisking with an electric whisk. Start with a lower speed and then increase it. The mixture starts to become fluffy less than a minute into the whisking. I place it in the fridge for 5 minutes twice more and then whisk it on higher speed. You can see the correct consistency of the butter in the photo.

Put the butter in a nice jar and use whenever you feel like it:)

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