We are all big fans of Totoro in our home, especially Mina who would love to watch this beautiful Japanese tale every day. She wished a Totoro cake for her birthday and it was up to me to deliver.

We are all big fans of Totoro in our home, especially Mina who would love to watch this beautiful Japanese tale every day. She wished a Totoro cake for her birthday and it was up to me to deliver.
If you ask me, one of the greatest Austian inventions is the Sacher cake. So why not make Sacher cake pops?
Food was one of the reasons I enjoyed staying with my grandma. There’s one particular dish that I will always remember. It’s called povidlové knedlíky (plum marmelade dumplings) or also pěry and they’re filled with special kind of thick plum jam called povidla and coated with ground poppy seeds and powder sugar. It’s usually eaten as a …
“Braaaains!” – does this quote sound familiar? If so, maybe you know the movie that inspired this Halloween brain cake. We don’t really celebrate Halloween at home but we won’t miss an opportunity to put costumes on, make an original cake and have some fun. And so I bring you my first Halloween tutorial for …
Koláče (read kolache) are a traditional Czech pastry traditionally baked at Easter or kermis, nowadays any time. They are made with yeast-dough and filled with marmelades, poppy seeds, cottage cheese and povidla (thick plum marmelade without gelling agent).
If you’ve known my blog for a while you probably know that I make my kids birthday cakes. My oldest daughter is especially demanding, this year she came up with the idea of the “penguin cake”. And it was up to me to figure out how to make such a cake at home with usual …
If there’s something I don’t want my kids to eat it’s those nut-chocolate spreads that have minimum nuts in them but plenty of sugar and aromas. fortunately, my children don’t eat it very often but it’s still their favorite crep ingredient, so I decided to make it at home and healthier.
The weather this may behaved like it was November and I’m glad the warm June has finally come and with it the time for homemade ice-cream and popsicles. Our elderberry went out of bloom but I managed to cut the last inflorescence to make these refreshing Elderberry-ginger popsicles.
My mom makes the most delicious jams. And if there’s one that turned out really perfect last year it’s the black currant jam. I wanted to make a pie that would be like the Linzer cookies that are supposed to have currant jam in them (actually red currant jam but the black currant jam is …
Vánočka is a typical Czech pastry traditionally made at Christmas. It could be compared to the Spanish mona or the French brioche, although Vánočka is even better. It is rich in butter and eggs, lightly sweet and if you make it right, it smells and tastes fresh for two or three days (if it lasts that long). …
The autumn weather always comes in November. And that’s the perfect time to start thinking about comfort food which – in my home – means cinnamon buns among other things. And we don’t spare on the butter-cinnamon filling.
If you have kindergarten children, autumn might be the season of cough and runny nose in your house. We fight the cold by doping ourselves with our own fruit in summer and continue with it in September as much as we can. Once we run out of our own fruit, we get oranges and …
One of my favorite dishes ever, a summer hit from seasonal ingredients
What is better than a box with chocolate pralines? I say, a chocolate box with chocolate pralines!
Chocolate pralines are a great gift and even more so if you make them yourself!
Foams are a great culinary invention. They can be traditional as well as modern, they can be decorative and at the same time taste well. You can be really creative with the color, density, texture and airiness of the foam. There are quite a few foaming agents and tools that you can use to make …
The Children’s Day is near and I wanted to make something colorful and fun. I think I succeeded, the kids were especially amused by the fact that they could eat their cup after they had finished drinking from it.
I started to make this dessert for two simple reasons. First, I wanted my children – very well used to healthy food – had healthy snacks rather what you can get from the supermarket. Second, I have a sweet tooth and I wanted something more guilt-free. The first objective was accomplished, the second one not …
For every birthday of my girls I take on a project that eventually makes me sweat. When I started making children’s cakes the themes were meadow or ladybug. Later on I said my offspring can pick their own theme. Last year the pick was “cake with healts” which was easy but this year Lily’s taste …
This is an easy yogurt sponge cake with cream that you can use as a base for a decorate cake.