Cosmetics and Health

Summer Oil for Skin and Hair

Summer oil for skin and hair tired from all that sun, heat and water

summer oil

This summer I’ll get an extra load of clorine and sun. Last year I made this oil mixture in a spray bottle, this year I wanted to try something new. It’s a simple mixture, this is what I used for a 100ml bottle:

  • 50 ml of almond oil
  • 50 ml of wheat germ oil

Wheat germ oil contains a lot of vitamin E and helps keep the skin elastic. It’s very nutritious for the hair and it’s the ideal oil if your hair is dry and breaks easily. Almond oil is very gentle to the skin and it repairs dry skin.

letní olejWhen it comes to the texture, this mixture is quite interesting. The wheat germ oil is golden and very heavy and dense while the almond oil is light and absorbs fast. The resulting mixture is still quite dense but not too much. It’s greasy but easily applied in a thin layer. Don’t forget that oils are to be applied on humid skin, right after shower is the best time. It does not absorb that fast but since I apply it in a very thin layer it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t leave greasy film on the skin but my skin feels soft and hydrated. I wouldn’t recommend this summer oil to young girls but it’s great for mature and also dry skin.

I use it the same way on my hair – I wet the hair, rub in the oil and let it word for several hours. Then I wash it off with my Rose Shampoo Bar, one wash is enough.

I hope to have inspired you at least a bit and if you likes this post, check out also my other cosmetics tutorials.


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