Looking for original gift bags? Just make them yourself!

Looking for original gift bags? Just make them yourself!
This year’s Christmas cards are inspired by the poinsettia plant.
Nice giftbox easy to make. Pick a paper with some nice pattern to bring it to the next level.
Lately Lily has been measuring everything by how many times we have to go to bed until the event comes – birthdays, holidays, Christmas… my mom started making the girls these simple and effective meters which help them grasp the time concept better.
Beadweaving What is beadweaving? It is a weaving technique used to create anything from jewelry to animals and boxes using beads, adding them one by one. This technique is very time-demanding and mastering it requires practice, time and patience. The real and fair price of the beadwoven jewelry easily equals that of jewelry made from …
Do you also fail horribly when you try to convince your kids to have their room tidy and organized? No worries, most of us do. However, I am never going to stop trying and every now and then I come up with an idea to make things better. This time me and the girls were …
Me and my husband don’t celebrate our wedding anniversaries big, however, I wanted to give him something personal this year. It took a me a while to get any idea at all but in the end I remembered that a while ago I saw a box that kind of exploded into several layers. My explosion …
Spring is coming and I’m coming with a tip for some handmade spring cards (handmade by me) that you can use as birthday cards or just to make someone smile. And now I’ll let the photos speak:
In the last post I showed you how to make two simple paper decorations that I used in a bigger project (which I’ll show you very soon) and this time I bring you a tutorial on the squash card which is a card that might look simple but only until you open it. It is …
I would like to dedicate this post to two DIY paper decorations that you can use for your projects – two envelopes.
Whether you have snow or not, december is a great time to start with the winter decoration. Therefore, here’s a tutorial on three different paper snowflakes. You’ll need very little, just some paper, pencil, ruler, scissors, glue and something to hang the snowflakes on. And if you add some hot tea or eggnog you can …
More creative ideas for children (and adult children;-)
Probably every household has a never ending supply of toilet paper rolls and so there aren’t enough projects to recycle them. I would like to show you how to do this little fire breathing dragon project with your children.
It took me a long time to publish this project but I think it’s worth the wait! I wanted to create a funny way for my kids to see whose birthday was coming up next.
Easy and fun way to have your kids entertained for a while, especially when you want to teach them to color while staying within the outlines of the picture.
When I was little, almost all the girls had such a plastic basket (today it’s already one of those vintage toys) that was hard to destroy and we all just loved it. I remembered the basket when I was making this bowl because the plastic it was made of was exactly as flexible as the …
This ten pages Quiet Book (QB in short) is – like this activity board – a toy which helps development of children’s fine motor skills. And what’s also interesting for the parents is the fact that the name fits the effect of the toy perfectly. The child is entertained with the activities in the book …
I’ve been wanting to learn this embroidery technique for some time now. Somehow there was no time, occasion or a convenient object to embroider so this idea stayed in my drawer. Then the best possible occasion came out of nowhere. I joined the project called Ježíškova vnoučata (Jesus grandkids – baby Jesus brings Christmas presents …
The summer is definitely over, the St. Martin’s summer doesn’t seem to be coming, it’s raining and one doesn’t really feel like spending the day outdoors. Although the kids could spend the day skipping in the puddles and playing in the wet sand but you can’t do that all day and what then? I like …